BVC Re-opening
We are excited to announce that BVC will re-open for all services starting this Sunday, May 10th. We understand that not everyone will feel comfortable coming back to church at this time. Please be aware that we respect your decision and there is no judgment either way. However, we welcome those that do want to join us. We will be implementing the following precautions and safety measures. We ask that everyone please be respectful of others and cooperate with our efforts.
1. Traffic will be directed as you enter the parking lot.
2. Temperatures will be taken with infrared thermometers while you are still in your vehicle. PLEASE NOTE that if anyone in your vehicle has a fever of 100 degrees or more NO ONE in your vehicle will be allowed in the building.
3. Upon arrival, you will be given hand sanitizer by one of the ushers and then escorted/seated in the sanctuary by families/traveling companions. We will be keeping as much social distancing as possible in all areas of the church.
4. Anytime you exit and re-enter the sanctuary someone will be there to give you additional hand sanitizer.
5. Child care will ONLY be available for the nursery and toddler rooms (AGES 3 AND UNDER). We will be utilizing multiple rooms and the gymnasium to attempt social distancing with the children. We will make every effort to keep your child safe during the service. Children ages 4 and up will be seated in the sanctuary with their parents. PLEASE, bring something to keep them occupied during the service if you will have children with you.
6. Upon the completion of service, rows will be dismissed from the rear of the sanctuary proceeding forward.
7. Offering buckets will be available at the back of the sanctuary near the doors. You may drop your offering there upon entrance or exit of the sanctuary.
8. While these efforts will be implemented, the HOLY SPIRIT will control the service and we will follow HIS promptings.
Please know that this is a fluid situation and may change from week to week. We look forward to an amazing Sunday of God working in our midst as we come back for group worship and fellowship. Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation.
In Christ’s Love,
BVC Leadership