Who We Are
We are a mental health ministry dedicated to helping those facing depression, anxiety, addiction, or relationship challenges with God and others. We believe in achieving freedom through fellowship, effective treatment, and a steadfast pursuit of Jesus Christ.

What We Do
We offer psychoeducational groups that focus on mental health, healthy relationships, and discipleship, aiming to unite and empower those in need. Chainbreakers combines a Christian worldview with evidence-based counseling to support our members and community in Christ.

What's Different
Chainbreakers is led by a diverse team focused on loving God and people. Our two-hour meetings include worship and a message in the first hour, followed by open sharing in men’s and women’s groups. We also serve the community through activities like street ministry, nursing home visits, peer recovery support, and counseling.
"I have been set free from 17 years of opiate and meth addiction through Jesus Christ. I am now a certified therapist, married, and have been blessed with 4 beautiful children".
- Denny Moyers
“I was lost and in bondage to addiction, but God’s mercy and grace saved me and now I am redeemed!”
- Heather Bergdall
"I’m an imperfect man who loves a perfect Jesus with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength!”
- Tremayne Smith
About Us
Get to know more about what makes us different.

ChainBreakers Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals break free from all forms of addiction and live out their God-given purpose in Jesus Christ. Our team is made up of members from various denominational backgrounds, and we recognize that there are many paths to recovery. However, we believe that true freedom comes only through Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to share the love, grace, and mercy we have received with others. At ChainBreakers, we recognize that mental health struggles affect the whole family unit, and we strongly encourage everyone to include their family and friends in the recovery process.